哪樣的客戶才是你理想中的客戶? Published on: April 28, 2013
最近在讀 LessEverything 出版的 Don’t Let Your Business Run You.,裡面的許多觀點竟然與自己過去一年的經驗不謀而合。
最近也把這本書推薦給一些在作 Consultancy 的朋友,希望能幫上他們一點忙…
LessEverything 列舉了以下五種他們遇過的客戶(第一章的內容):
The Price Shopper
The Uneducated Shopper
The Educated Buzz Word Dropper
The Researcher
The Proposal Requester (RFP)
並且建議了他們的處理方式。 The Price Shopper
跟這種客戶打交道的經驗很差。儘量不要接.. The Uneducated Shopper
這種客戶也許只有一個 “amazing idea",其他一無所知。你很快就會發現這種客戶很好「吃」。但別這麼做。
有些時候,這些客戶以後還可以變成好朋友,之後還可以介紹朋友… The Educated Buzz Word Dropper
已經知道要幹嘛的客戶。他已經有個 Business Plan,他了解市場,他能夠講出一堆你想像得到的 buzz word。看起來他已經「knows everything」
He will probably listen to you and give you the feeling that he really respects your opinions, but then (most likely), he will ignore everything you say. If you’re good at what you do (which you should be), you need to steer this ship. He will make the final decision, but it should be heavily-weighted on you.
作者唯一幾次痛下決心中斷跟客戶做生意都是遇到這種人。 The Researcher
If you have to bend on price, bend on price with them. They’ll usually be so happy with you that they’ll give you referrals just to tell people they got to work with you. Whenever a client lets you do what you want, that’s a win for you, but you have to be careful not to take advantage. You are building something for them. This is not the time to write that awesome plug-in you’ve been wanting to release to open-source for the purpose of gaining fame. Focus on their needs and how you can help them. The Proposal Requester (RFP)
這種人遇到能閃得越遠越好。作者在剛創業時,也遇到過這種人。然後花了大把時間幫對方寫 proposal,但還是沒拿到工作。
客戶通常會拿著你寫的 proposal 然後再去找下一家「便宜」的公司…
往往跟這種人做生意是嚴重浪費你時間。而他們通常的伎倆是「你可以幫某某大 brand 作東西耶,對你的生意大大有幫助喔!」
Steve says: “Because these types have spent so much time thinking about what they want, they’ve added every feature to the RFP that you can possibly imagine and probably have used language that will limit how things are implemented, how pages are structured, how things are navigated, etc. In the end, you may have a big-name website you can point to, but it will likely be an unusable piece of crap that you’re not proud of. ‘Look what I built for the U.N.!’ you’ll say and then spend the rest of the conversation saying, ‘I know, I know, but that’s what they wanted.’” 結論